As the African market develops, access to a competitive reinsurance market becomes increasing important. With the support of strong international wordings and competitive terms the African Insurer can approach his clients with confidence particularly when his Broker is easily accessible both geographically and relationship-wise. At B S Insurance we facilitate in all the above aspects. Our seamless connection with reinsurers worldwide puts us in a tactically strong position in supporting all African Insurers in seeking facultative and treaty reinsurance capacity from international markets. We also introduce inward reinsurance business to African Insurers from Asia, Africa and Middle-East. We have proven strengths in areas such as Liability, Financial Lines, Casualty, Energy & Infrastructure insurance.
Our reinsurance services provide wide range of products to African Insurers which we deal include the following:
- Facultative
- Property & Engineering
- Stand alone Terrorism
- Marine Hull & Cargo/DSU
- Telecom Policy
- Director & Officers Liability
- Professional Indemnity
- Commercial General Liability
- Public and Product Liability
- Commercial Crime
- Prospectus Liability
- Excess of Loss
- Property Risk and Catastrophe
- Marine Hull & Cargo
- Liability Excess of Loss
B S Insurance caters to the capacity requirements of its clients by various methods viz structuring treaties or facilities or by garnering support on a facultative basis as per requirement. The types of reinsurance solutions provided by us can be categorised as below:
- Treaty Reinsurance
- Proportional - Quota Share & Surplus
- Non Proportional - Excess of Loss & Stop Loss
- Facultative Reinsurance
- Proportional - Quota Share
- Non Proportional - Excess of Loss & Facilities